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My name is Jung Soo Yoon, and I am a first year student at the University of California, Irvine. Currently Undecided/Undeclared, I hope to pursue a degree in Psychology and Social Behavior. Following Spring 2015, I will have finished all but one of my GEs, fulfilling the GE I lower devision requirement with Writing 39C and leaving the GE I upper devision requirement for Fall or Winter 2016.


Writing 39C is designed to introduce students to the world of scholarly writing through the use of academic databases, the application of multimodal elements, as well as social media campaigning to forment strong arguments; it urges the further practice of contextual rhetoric and awareness of a scholarly audience to form well-established essays, requiring students to present arguments based on appeals to their audience’s sense of ethos and logos by laying the foundation of their arguments on scientific evidence and scholarly conversation. Instructed by Dr. Haas, this course focused on "Loving Animals," which centered around animal advocacy issues.


Organized under the various tabs on the top right of the page, my portfolio is the culmination of my work for the quarter. Under "Research," one can find an annotated bibliography of a few of the sources I used throughout my HCP and AP essays; the "Blog" tab contains weekly blog posts summarizing the events and assignments we were required to finish, first and final drafts of each of my essays (HCP and AP) can be found under "Essays," and finally, all elements and information regarding my group's social media campaign (#FeedingFido) is under "Campaign."

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